Scenes from the Weekend

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It was nice to have a normal New York weekend again. I have been in Minnesota for the past 3 weekends and before that there were lots of holiday festivities going on during the weekends. It was nice to just relax, explore, and enjoy good company in the City.

Weekend[left to right] Crema coffee shop.  Jazz Club at Columbus Circle. Bikes in Brooklyn. Fire Escapes.

[left to right] Flatiron. Harlem Shake- Yam fries included. Apartment hunting in Brooklyn with a friend (I’m not moving). Visiting my friend’s apartment.

[left to right] yoga @ yoga to the people in East Village. Hillsong Church at Irving Plaza with a friend.


  1. so jealous that you get to live in NYC its my absolute favorite! please tell me you have made it to the Brooklyn Flea or Smorgasburg...yummmm!

    xo, Kelsey Belle | Happie Reading Blog

    1. Thanks! I haven't made it to the Brooklyn Flea or Smorgasburg yet, but they are on my list! Seriously! :)

  2. Life in NYC! How amazing is that! I feel like I would love it there just because of all of the brunch locations.

  3. great pictures! a new york city weekend must be so much fun xx

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