Photo Hunt: Fire Escapes {CC 8/23}

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

As mentioned in this post about NYC, I have an attraction towards fire escapes. Fire escapes are all over NYC, and they come in many different shapes and designs. 99% of the time they seem completely unnecessary, but we all know they are vital to fire safety. Second bonus, if you get locked out, you may have a chance getting back inside via the fire escape. I know friends who have done it. Even though I don't have a balcony, I have a fire escape to chill on and that's enough for me.

Pictures were taken in SoHo and the Bronx.
On a related note, this plant-shelf from UO is awesome!!!

Check out other photo hunts in the blog world:

The Creative Collective


  1. I definitely associate fire escapes with NYC! The last photo is hauntingly beautiful, although all of the pictures were interesting to look at.

  2. Oooo that's a great take on the prompt! I live in a town where fire escapes are pretty much nonexistent so I'm fascinated with them when I get to visit a larger city. Lovely collection you have there!

  3. Your pictures are AWESOME! Great shots - they really made me appreciate the aesthetic side of fire escapes - which I had never really considered before. Although, I saw & loved the same planter in an Uncommon Goods catalog!

  4. What a great choice for the theme! My husband and I always for some reason notice fire-escapes when we travel :)

  5. I love these images! Something about buildings and the mix of brick and metal will get me every time


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