What fires you up?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I used the question in the title because this question makes me laugh. Not because I think it's a weird way to ask what inspires you, but because fired up is one of City Year's coined terms that I hear every day.
In other words:
Fire and City Year always go together in my mind. When I saw that question I immediately thought I had to write about wearing a red jacket or spending time with students.

Further FYI-
When City Year gathers together, the person standing in front yells,
"City Year, How ya'll feeling?"
We yell: "Fired up!"

Now that my mind is on City Year, I'll just talk more about it, because City Year really does fire me up!
The energy, chanting, dancing, clapping, and code-words keep me peppy and happy during the long days of service. Attitude matters a lot in life, and when you serve with City Year, attitude is everything. Smile, have fun, and be a good example.

What is City Year? City Year is the organization that I am taking my year of service through. They are under Americorps and they put young people in low performing schools all over America to improve the achievement gap and put students on the path towards graduation.

Read more about City Year on their site
Read more about my experience with City Year here


  1. You probably already posted about this, but I am still a little unsure what City Year is all about. Is it a volunteer type of thing? Or is it something with your church that you are doing? I'm confused!

    1. Thanks for asking! I just edited this post so more people are not confused!


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