The Holiday season is here. I love all the lights and cheer in New York at this time. New York City is very consumer driven, but head north a few miles into the Bronx and you'll hear rumors of a Baby Jesus play in the works at my middle school. Hope is not lost. ;)
I like wearing black. Black looks nice on me, as it does for many people, and it makes me look more like a New Yorker ;). This might just be a theory, but today I wore black and 3 people asked me for directions.
I'm currently at Starbucks and I keep looking over to watch two people on an awkward date. I hope it's their first date because the dude looks really nervous. His eye contact is good though.
Anthropology - I could spend hours in this store, but I can't spend money in this store. An outfit would pretty much be two weeks of my paycheck.

I was at the grocery store below my apartment and I saw those smelts. Who eats those? Why? How? I'm sure Auryanna would eat them, but otherwise they must sit on the shelf and smell....like fish.

It's December 1st and that means I will be home in 20 days. These 3 weeks here will be a breeze. Even if they aren't a breeze, I can trick myself into believing it's a breeze.
Life is good. Speaking of Life is good, I won a $50 giftcard to that store courtesy of New York State of Mind. Christmas shopping!
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