
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It was in the negatives today (temperature). My siblings and I started a tradition last year of hanging out together on Christmas Eve with just the four of us. Our time together has three requirements: outdoors, food, and Matthew doing something stupid. Last year he jumped out of the car, and this year he was stuck in Apple Valley, causing us to pick him up two hours after we were supposed to start. What would we do without him? We were planning to go sledding today, but the weather was not permitting. Instead we ventured off to Minnehaha falls. We walked around and did a little exploring. I've been to the falls many times, but it never gets old. After that, we stopped at Smashburger for a late lunch, and finally we went to Barnes & Noble for last minute Christmas gifts.
Izzy. Matthew. Ben. Abby
The steps were a challenge to walk down. 

A tasty relief from the cold, courtesy of SmashBurger.


  1. It looks so cold! But the pictures are so amazing I'm sure it was worth it! And those burgers at the end look tasty!

  2. Were the steps worse going down or coming back up? Maybe next time I go I'll give the icy steps a try. :) Great photos!


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