Shops I Like: Photojojo

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Have you heard of Photojojo? It's a quirky photography shop for the everyday photographer (like me, and probably you!) I think they are pretty rad. I love browsing through their site and reading all their product descriptions-- it's all so witty. I wanted to showcase some of my favorite items from their shop! I'll let the pictures do the talking. I'm going to hopefully try out a product or two this summer!

Color Flash Filters  $15 - For some fun colors

                                                             Macro lens band $15 - For stellar details

iPhone Bolt Charger  $60 - For on the go

Instax Printer $220 - For fun prints!

iPhone Super Suit $79 - Everyone needs a super suit

Phoneography Starter Kit $30 - For the Basics

Oh, they have so much! And if I had an extra $9639.84 to kill I would buy one of everything they sell! 

On a related note, I'm doing a moments in June photography challenge on Instagram. Today I posted a picture of a trash can for day 8, so that's pretty exciting. yeah. 

All images belong to Photojojo

Model Status

Monday, June 2, 2014

New York City Parks are filled with huge rocks and I think they're the greatest thing ever. I love them so much I wanted to pose with them. Doing so I discovered that I might have a future in modeling. 
Hands on the knee is always a classic.
Rocking that head tilt.

Mixing it up and posing with a bridge
Pop that knee!
Preparing for childbirth maybe?
 Alright... modeling isn't for me.

Check her out! My friend Liz could definitely be a model. 
And I'm pretty sure this girl is an ACTUAL model. There's models everywhere in NYC. Yes, we're still in Central Park, and yes that is a waterfall. A filthy waterfall for that much. 

Sidebar: My entire outfit was thrifted
Another Sidebar: I love the way these bloggers model fun outfits-
Color Me Nana
Writes Like a Girl
Casey Leigh
Check them out!

Feel free to share your link in the comments if you put fun outfits together! I would love to see what you got.

You're here

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Image from Naptime Diaries
June, you're finally here. I was dreaming about you in March. You seemed so far away, but now you've arrived. Summer is starting. School is almost ending. Change is happening. And that just makes me happy. Today was a beautiful day in the city and a true Sabbath day for me-- Especially after a long day of work yesterday.

What does the month of June look like for me?

  • June is my last month in East Harlem. In July I'm off to the Upper West Side for the remainder of the Summer (more on this later?)
  • June is the month of my birthday.
  • June is graduation month from City Year. June 20th is my last day!
  • I'll have special visitors this month. Aunt B and Auryanna, I can't wait!
  • I'm hoping this blog might pick up the pace a little more this month as well. In May I focused on friendships and work. I also went on a week long vacation, so the month just whizzed by.
  • Sugar fast: I hate it to say it, but I quit that. I made it almost a month, but then I went to Florida and I couldn't keep it up. I successfully made it through a 6 week sugar fast in 2013, but not this time. It was hard and I'm glad I kept it up for the time I did. 
What are you looking forward to this June?

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