
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesdays are good days for me. They are also long, why? Because I wake up at 5:30 am. Why do I wake up that early? To go to a 6 a.m Bible study. But it's worth it. I get the study in the morning, and then I have a long and full day. In fact, I look forward to Wednesdays because I know I will wake up early. On other days, I simply cannot get out of bed that early just because I want to. I tell myself at night to wake up early and if you do, you can go out and buy a coffee or go to SNAP fitness to work out, and then enjoy the day- but it never happens. Thus, I look forward to going to bed on Tuesday, because I know I will get out of bed early the next day.
Thanks for reading. Enjoy your Wednesday.

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