What's Next?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Senior Year has been a bumpy ride. In the fall, I was caught-up in the "picking-the-right-college" hysteria. I went to college fairs, I visited colleges, I requested all sorts of information from colleges, and I thought about college too much. Not only that, but I was stuck on studying for my 3rd attempt at the ACT, and then studying for the SAT-- because I was not happy with ACT results. And essays! College entrance essays are the worst. I went through draft, over draft, over draft of several essays just to get admitted into certain colleges. It was great to have the opportunity to develop several essays with the assistance of some good writers I know, but it was time-consuming, and a bit stressful. Add scholarship essays (I'm so sick of fastweb) and applications into the mix of everything, and I just became exhausted with the idea of college. I was also a writer for a newspaper publication called Student Paths, which is basically a national newspaper sent to high schools. I was the Senior Diary writer, so I had an extra pressure to make sure I was doing senior year "right."

Come January 10th, I had applied to 9 colleges. Yes, 9 colleges. Here's a list of them and the results:
Northwestern College, St. Paul-- Accepted
University of Minnesota -- Accepted*
Wheaton College -- Waitlist
The King's College -- Accepted
Loyola University, IL -- Accepted
Carthage College -- Accepted
Gustavus College -- Accepted
Whitworth College, Spokane -- Accepted
Stanford University -- Denied

*At first, I was wait-listed, and I was very upset about that, because the U was really the place I saw myself going, but everything worked out. I was accepted into the U, and I deferred my admission to Fall of 2014. Next year I will be taking a gap year, and I am excited to share what I will be doing for my gap year!

Stay tuned for my next post to find out what I will be doing next year.

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